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You Are Your Own Worst Boss

Episode 59

About Ana Melikian: Ana is an optimist who had to overcome two bouts with

cancer to learn that pursuing happiness is a fallacy and that choosing happiness

is a much more powerful strategy to tap into your highest potential. Either by

working with leaders and their teams or other coaches and consultants, Ana

supports her clients to break through their mindset limitations and upgrade their

psychological operating system so that they achieve better results than ever in

work, in life, enjoying the process all throughout. She’s the host of the Mindset

Zone Podcast which has been selected for Huffington Post’s “15 Podcasts That

Will Leave You Pondering Life’s Big Questions”.


In this episode, Jordan and Ana discuss:

  • From pursuit to choice

  • Confronting your critical voice

  • How the Navy SEALs Ethos relates to executive Leadership

  • Ana’s interview with the grandson of Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl

Key Takeaways

  • Your internal critic/bully often has your best interest at heart. However-it may not be correct in its beliefs and judgements.

  • Forcing yourself to be happy is the best way to be miserable. Rather, focus on knowing and achieving your purpose.

  • Choosing happiness requires changes in your Thinking-Feelings-Behaviors. Not just thinking and mindset.

  • Making a positive impact and leaving a positive legacy is the key.

  • Switching the language and intention of choosing happiness instead of pursuing it is very empowering. It emphasizes your power to choose.

“Happiness doesn’t need to be a goal; it can be a way of being.” — Ana Melikian

Jordan Goldrich

Your host, Jordan Goldrich, grew up in a loud New York family and once lost an executive position because of his style. He is co-author of the Amazon Best Seller, Workplace Warrior®: People Skills For The No-Bulls**t Executive, Chief Operations Officer, Master Corporate Executive Coach, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. His guests are part of his international network of Workplace Warrior® executives, master corporate executive coaches, and thought leaders. Each guest will engage you in conversation about their successes, mistakes, and solutions. You will get strategies for being completely authentic, while you fulfill your commitment to your organization, build positive relationships, and take performance to an even higher level.

Connect with Jordan Goldrich: 

Get the complimentary guide: How To Select An Executive Coach at

Conversation: “Drive Results Without Damaging Relationships®”



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