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drive results without damaging relationships®

Executive Coaching Philosophy and Mission

Workplace Warrior®, Inc. provides executive coaching for senior executives who have an uncommon desire for results, who take charge, lead their teams and accomplish the mission. We believe they possess the "warrior spirit" that is critical for success in our volatile, complex environment. Sometimes, they are perceived as abrasive and occasionally called names like bully. Our goal is to help them be completely authentic and fulfill their mission while they drive results without damaging relationships®


Most of these executives do not want to hurt people. Many times, they come from a national, ethnic or family culture that is more direct than that of the people who perceive them as abrasive. And, their drive for success may be perceived as disrespectful to people with different values and personality styles. We respect their warrior spirit” and challenge them to adopt the commitments in the Ethos of the Navy SEALs. These include accomplishing the mission and never being out of the fight. They also include leading by example, and placing the welfare and security of others before their own.

Workplace Warrior®, Inc. master level executive coaches have demonstrated success with the top leaders in companies and organizations. Master level executive coaches help leaders align their personal goals those of their company or organization. They utilize a combination of coaching, consulting, and mentoring. We support the definition of Master Corporate Executive Coach of The Association of Corporate Executive Coaches ( as an “Enterprise-Wide Business Partner©” ACEC is a private international membership-based association for mastery level Corporate Executive Coaches who coach the top tier of 90% of organizations listed as F1000 companies. 

Sample Statement of Work


  • Good fit interview(s) (complimentary)

    • Determine whether coach expertise, approach and personal style is a good match with organization and executive who will be coached (participant).


  • Private meeting with Superior and HR if appropriate

    • Understand organization’s goals for coaching

    • Clarify what has been/will be said to the participant.

    • Agreement on confidentiality conditions, approach, roles and evaluation of success.


  • Meeting: Executive, Superior and, if appropriate, HR

    • Coach and participant are clear on the organization’s goals for coaching, approach, roles and evaluation of success

    • Agreement on confidentiality conditions. 


  • Initiate coaching

    • Continue to build trust and safety

    • Further clarify initial goals

    • Administer and analyze personality, leadership style and 360 assessments, if appropriate


  • Coach conducts stakeholder interviews (if appropriate, coach may “shadow” particpant in their day to day activities)

    • Coach receives direct, confidential input from key stakeholders on participant's strengths and challenges as well as perceptions/expectations for future performance


  • Coach presents comments and trends to participant formatted to protect anonymity. 

    • Participant begins the process of more fully understanding the perceptions and expectations of key stakeholders.


  • Assessment, Goals, Plan

    • Assess client strengths, challenges, opportunities, threats

    • Select goals consistent with particpant's core values and career plan and organization’s expectations.

    • Write a development plan


  • Meeting: Coach, Superior, Executive and, if appropriate, HR (Usually at 2 - 3 months)

    • Reach final agreement on goals and measures of success

    • Adjust program as necessary


  • Participant conducts (Marshall Goldsmith type) Feedforward” interviews with key stakeholders

    • Participant obtains input (internal market research) about their goal and the behaviors stakeholders want to see for “improved” rating

    • Participant demonstrates courage, humility, respect and commitment to results

    • Implicit negotiation with stakeholders regarding requirements improvement

    • Participant models asking for input to develop a team coaching culture


  • Ongoing coaching (3 months to 1 year)

    • Finalize development goals and implementation plan 

    • Maintain participant focus, accountability, emotional intelligence, self-management and interpersonal skills

    • Provide business, leadership and organization development models processes and skills as necessary


  • Coach solicits input on progress through meetings with Superior and stakeholders (Typically quarterly)


  • Obtain ongoing stakeholder perceptions

    • Maintain participant focus and accountability

    • Surface value-chain, business process, and other relevant issues

    • ID/support management or production system or culture change opportunities, if applicable


  • Evaluation

    • Superior, particpant, coach and, if appropriate, HR and other stakeholders review progress toward goals. 

    • Identify next steps

    • Decision to complete or continue coaching

Executive Coaching Qualifications


Jordan Goldrich, Founder/CEO has an international network of executive coaches who have been trained in his model and are available for in-person, video conference or telephone. All are Master Corporate Executive Coaches and/or have experience with The Center for Creative Leadership or the Boss Whispering Institute.


Jordan has earned the designation of Master Corporate Executive Coach (MCEC) from the Association of Corporate Executive Coaches (ACEC). He is on the ACEC executive advisory committee. He is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation ( 

Jordan has been a senior executive coach with the Center For Creative Leadership (CCL). In that role he participates as an evaluator of applicants to become an executive coach with the Center. He has coached hundreds of executives from the Center’s clients such as Ford, Fisher Investments, Southern California Edison, Cenovus, Valspar, ViaSat, Sodexo, the Federal Government and the United States Military.

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He completed the “Executive Challenge Program—Global Strategic Leadership” at San Diego State University, College of Extended Studies. He received his professional coach training at The Coaches Training Institute, San Rafael, California. Goldrich is a member of the Boss Whispering Institute 

As Chief Operations Officer of a healthcare company, he was instrumental in creating an 800% increase in revenue over seven years, attaining a California Knox-Keene license and executing an acquisition by WellPoint Health Networks a Fortune 500 Company, now Anthem.  He created a customer driven culture and utilized cross-functional team problem solving methods rooted in what is now known as Lean and Six Sigma or the Toyota Method.


Jordan Goldrich is certified in the following assessments:

•    Center for Creative Leadership suite of (360) assessment tools
•    California Personality Inventory (CPI 260)
•    DiSC Profile
•    Hogan Personality Inventory
•    Influence Styles Indicator
•    Meyers-Briggs (MBTI Step II)
•    FIRO-B/FIRO Business
•    Workplace Big 5

Speaking, Consulting & Training

Jordan Goldrich has delivered hundreds of speeches, talks, and training programs for corporations, closely held companies, and government, non-profit and academic organizations. His podcast "Workplace Warrior®: People Skills For The No-BS Executive is hosted on ITunes,  . . .  (Will fill in) You can view his interview on KTLA TV at ________. 


Jordan designed and coordinated the Certificate Program in “Coaching for Organizational Excellence” for San Diego State University. The program consisted of six, twenty-eight-hour courses which were approved for Continuing Education Credits for California licensed therapists and by the International Coach Federation. He designed and has facilitated the Leadership Academy of the San Diego Community College District which has been delivered successfully for over eight years.  

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Speaking & Training Success

Commonly used names for results driven executives 1:23

Leadership during turbulent times at Oracle  1:50

Compassion for people you don’t think deserve it   1:19

Questions and Answers 14:17


For speaking or coaching engagements,
contact Robin Stephenson: 
For media inquiries, contact:
Joanne McCall
Discovery Call

Please fill in the following contact form to reach Jordan Goldrich directly:

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