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Jordan Goldrich & Doug Sandler: What Are You Listening For?

Updated: Mar 30, 2021

Episode 29

About Jordan Goldrich: Jordan is an executive coach who partners with senior and developing leaders and executives who have a strong desire for results, who take charge, lead their teams and accomplish the mission. His mission is to help them be completely authentic, fulfill their mission, achieve respect, and positive relationships while taking performance to an even higher level.

Jordan leverages his background as a Chief Operations Officer, Master Corporate Executive Coach, Professional Certified Coach, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

He is co-author of the Amazon best seller, Workplace Warrior®: People Skills For The No-Bullshit Executive, and producer and host of the Podcast Workplace Warrior: Drive Results Without Damaging Relationships®.

  • A CEO of one Fortune 100 Company who has many ups and downs in his career says this, “Success can lead to arrogance. When we become arrogant we quit listening. When we’ve quit listening we stop changing and in today’s rapidly moving world if we quit changing we will ultimately fail.”

About Doug Sandler: Doug Sandler is an entrepreneur and podcast industry leader. His book, Nice Guys Finish First is a #1 ranked Amazon Best Seller. As a podcast host of The Nice Guys on Business, Doug has interviewed, Gary V, Arianna Huffington, John C. Maxwell and dozens of celebs. Doug is a nationally recognized speaker, writer, and founder of TurnKey Podcast Productions, providing podcast production, editing and launch services. His Nice Guys podcast, with over 1,000 episodes has been downloaded 3.5 million times, in more than 175 countries.


In this episode, Jordan and Doug discuss:

  • We listen for what we think is important and, therefore ignore or don’t hear what may be critical for success.

  • Strong leaders often focus on solving the problem quickly

  • What we listen for is controlled by the neural pathways in our brain.

Key Takeaways:

  • To be successful changing what you listen for, you must believe it is the right thing to do and make a commitment to do it.

  • When you practice, you build new neural pathways resulting in new habitual behavior,

  • Successful leaders play a variety of roles. Each of those roles requires the leader to listen for different things.

"Neurons that fire together wire together." — Donald Hebb, Ph.D. Known as the “father of neuropsychology”

Connect with Doug Sandler:

Twitter: djdoug

Phone: (410) 340-6861

Instagram: turnkeypodcast/

Jordan Goldrich

Your host, Jordan Goldrich, grew up in a loud New York family and once lost an executive position because of his style. He is co-author of the Amazon Best Seller, Workplace Warrior®: People Skills For The No-Bulls**t Executive, Chief Operations Officer, Master Corporate Executive Coach, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. His guests are part of his international network of Workplace Warrior® executives, master corporate executive coaches, and thought leaders. Each guest will engage you in conversation about their successes, mistakes, and solutions. You will get strategies for being completely authentic, while you fulfill your commitment to your organization, build positive relationships, and take performance to an even higher level.

Connect with Jordan Goldrich: 

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