Episode 24
About Holly Teska: As a member of the Association of Corporate Executive Coaches (acec-association.org) Holly is a Master Corporate Executive Coach. She has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and is certified by the International Coach Federation at the ACC level. Holly is passionate about authentic leadership, transforming careers, and supporting business success through remarkable leadership. She is currently President of Holly M Teska, Coaching and Consulting. Previously, she was the Managing Principal at LAK Group in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she was responsible for their Executive Coaching Practice. Before joining LAK Group, Holly served as Vice President and Managing Principal for North American Coaching at Right Management where she was responsible for leading their executive coaching practice and their project management office. She has served many roles in her 31 years at Right Management.
In this episode, Jordan and Holly discuss:
Hard power and soft power leadership
How family culture contributes to leadership style
Passive aggressive leadership
Gender roles in hard power and soft power leadership
Authenticity is a key to great leadership
Key Takeaways:
A balance of hard power and soft power leadership works best
Most leaders who are perceived as disrespectful don’t want to hurt people-They are so focused on results they get frustrated or defensive.
Leaders who come from loud families also get perceived as abrasive or disrespectful- In part it is family culture
To be effective, a leader needs to find their authentic reason to change their style
Holly discusses an executive coaching client who changed his style when he realized that his team members can’t read his mind.
If you aren’t getting the results you want, you need to focus on what you control.
"It’s not just about proclaiming what you want it’s about helping people follow, getting obstacles out of their way, and being supportive."— Holly Teska
Connect with Cellene:
Email: HHeska@LAK-Group.com
LinkedIn: Holly Teska

Your host, Jordan Goldrich, grew up in a loud New York family and once lost an executive position because of his style. He is co-author of the Amazon Best Seller, Workplace Warrior®: People Skills For The No-Bulls**t Executive, Chief Operations Officer, Master Corporate Executive Coach, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. His guests are part of his international network of Workplace Warrior® executives, master corporate executive coaches, and thought leaders. Each guest will engage you in conversation about their successes, mistakes, and solutions. You will get strategies for being completely authentic, while you fulfill your commitment to your organization, build positive relationships, and take performance to an even higher level.
Connect with Jordan Goldrich:Â
Website: workplacewarriorinc.com
Twitter: twitter.com/jordangoldrich1
Facebook: facebook.com/jordan.goldrich
Instagram: instagram.com/jordangoldrich
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/jgoldrich